We were all really concerned that once a black president was elected we would all finally move beyond race and racism, but it's a relief that they have recognized that race as a political wedge issue is still very valuable.

Yes sir. Despite all of the hope and change, the race card is alive and well in politics today. Just look at all of mileage the race baiters are getting out of this new Arizona Illegal Immigration law.
Before even reading or understanding the law at all, Koolaid drinkers flew off the handle calling it unfair and racist. I'm no lawyer, and I haven't gone through the legislation with a fine toothed comb, but my friend R.Sherman is, and he has. He's a great guy despite being a lawyer and he points out that the Arizona law essentially takes current federal law and makes it Arizona State law, except that the Arizona law is more lax than federal law.
Look, I'm on record as being pretty status quo on illegal immigration.I certainly don't condone it anymore than I condone any other illegal activity. But then again, of all the problems we have in our country, I don't think illegal immigration is the worst.
To the people who are acting all outraged about the supposed racial injustice of the Arizona law, I question your sincerity. I don't think you're really worried about the rights of illegal immigrants. More likely, your worried about your voting blocks and creating a wedge issue.

I mean let's face it. The human rights train left the station long ago. We've already pretty much established that the Bill of Rights is more of a punchline than a protection against government abuses.
But rather than trying to limit government abuses, we've done everything we can as a society to encourage it. We basically said "Here Uncle Same, take half my income. Take care of my neighbors so I don't have to. While you're at take care of my health and retirement planning as well. What? You say you need to read my emails and listen to my phone calls so that you can keep me from doing something that it bad for me? Well, okay. You know best."

You can't have a nanny state without also having a police state.
tagged: race, politics, Arizona, immigration, law, illegal
Arizona's law wasn't created in a vacuum of history. Not only was Barry Goldwater from Arizona; but the country remembers John McCain's refusal to recognize MLK Day. And his reversal on that issue didn't really seem to be by choice so much as outside pressure. A lot of us around the country did (and still do) believe he captured the sentiment of most Arizonans when he refused to recognize the holiday, and now you've got this new law. So,...lets not pretend there isn't a history there.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the plug, despite my being a lawyer and a Mizzou grad to boot--a harmonic convergence of evil.
ReplyDeleteAs for the racism issue, query when enforcing a law which is applicable to everyone who has entered the country illegally, becomes racist. The fact that the vast majority of illegal entries in the SW U.S. come from Mexico is because--brace yourself for this newsflash--it borders Mexico!.
I maintain its more racist to allow these people in to perform menial jobs at low wages because they fear discovery, all to support our lifestyle, even if those jobs and earnings are better than in their own countries.
(BTW, I've had two deportation cases defending blond, blue-eyed Europeans who overstayed their visas and got busted trying to work off the books. Was that racist, too?)