Laughing like pure malevolent evil, the archfiend began to rotate his blistering fiery pitchfork of maleficence as if to draw my eternal soul out of each fiber of my triceps surae like so much hell bound spaghetti.

Bolting upright in bed and gasping, I clutched at the monkey fist that my muscles had become, trying in vain to rub the knot out and relieved the pain.
I jumped out of bed, my foot twisted by the cramp into a spastic, crippled claw. I stood on the floor and leaned against the bedpost using my body weight to force the muscle to stretch. After a minute or two that seemed like centuries, the calf muscles released their contraction and I began to breathe easier.

tagged: night, sleep, cramp, muscle, calf, demon, pain
You're probably low on potassium. Have a banana or two today.
ReplyDeleteGood advice. But just to be safe, I think I'll get it blessed before I eat it. The only thing better for leg cramps than a banana is a Holy banana.
ReplyDeleteYou should stand up immediately and walk on it. It works better than massage.
A bit different stylistically than other stuff you've posted. Like it. And while it pains me to agree with R. Sherman (ha ha) you might wanna drink a Gatorade.