Who needs the staying up all night taking care of a hungry screaming baby. Or the added expenses of childcare and tiny socks and booster seats for cars and special biohazard trashcans designed for radioactive diapers.
But I can tell you that after a few years, these things start to pay dividends as you begin to reap the reward for all of the time you spent on the rigorous child training program.
For example, our kindergarten-age kid is becoming a convenient time-saving device for me. About a week ago I taught her how to make me my morning cup of coffee.

I showed her how to fill the water reservoir on the coffee maker with scalding hot water from the kitchen sink.
I showed her how to place the pods in the coffee maker and clamp down the locking lid, how to press the appropriate buttons and set the coffee mug under the steaming streams of coffee, and how to carefully carry the mug of hot java to me without burning her fingers.

Child labor, ain't it grand?
tagged: family, coffee, Senseo, labor, parenting
That's what I always tell my kid: I had you so you can do the chores.
ReplyDeleteMy mother swore the only reason she had kids was for the free housework labor. Excellent use of your resources!
ReplyDeleteI used to enjoy helping mom around the kitchen when I got old enough.
ReplyDeleteI also enjoyed sweeping/skimming the pool with the net when dad showed me how, too.
I even thought it was cool to pick up snales from the garden, because for that job, dad gave us a nickel for each snale we'd bag. (He promised a quarter for slugs, but that wasn't happening...)
But when mom tried to make laundry some sort of "fun" addition to the list of tasks, I was on to her game. Plus, she waited too long, and didn't show us how to do our laundry until we were about 12. It went over like a ton of bricks. So remember to show your kid how to do laundry just as soon as she can reach the controls on the machines, mkay? Save yourself some heartache and whining...
My two kids changed channels for me and Cliff. Of course, this was before remotes were invented. They also learned at a young age to take coffee to their daddy.
ReplyDeleteBeware of the Senseo!!! This is right out of the 'ole printer/copier/all-in-one game.
ReplyDeleteGive away the printer/coffee maker and make it up on ongoing profits (and short term word of mouth) from those cute little cartridges to stick in them.
Well done. Of course, your educational efforts must continue. I suggest moving to fetching a beer from the fridge.
ReplyDeleteGetting a beer from the fridge? That's what my dog is for.