Monday, April 17, 2006

Kansas Guild of Bloggers Roundup #6

This is my first time hosting the Kansas Guild of Bloggers Blog Carnival, so go easy on me.

Here's a round-up of what Kansas area bloggers are saying this week.Okay, that's what I've come up with this time. Drop me an email or comment if I missed something and I'll get it added. And don't forget to submit your blog article to the next edition of the kgb using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

tagged: , , , ,


  1. Thanks for the plug. I'm most appreciative--and I do hope visitors will see that my blog isn't an all-Vertigo-all-the-time kind of place.

  2. I echo John B. -- thanks for including me on this. My dad will be thrilled at his burgeoning cyberspace fame.

  3. Thanks guys. Don't forget to put your "pin" in the KGB Frappr map. Just like most things in life, it's more fun when more people do it. Just click the "Add Yourself" link right above the map in the right-hand column.

  4. Great job EMAW - Appreciate your hard work in putting this together. It'll grow - we just gotta keep advertizing! :-) Chat with you later. PS, Are you hosting the next one too? lgp


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