Author: Malcolm Gladwell

My thoughts:
This book was highly recommended to me by many people. Several of my managers at work are Gladwell disciples and have also recommended his earlier work The Tipping Point.
There are also some pretty smart bloggers out there who recommended Blink as well as one of my favorite football coaches.
So why all of the acclaim? Well, for one thing this is a really well written piece of non-fiction. Gladwell covers several case studies where split second decision making has been successful and where it has led horrible, tragic mistakes.
Case studies run the gamut from marriage to military games (not much difference there, right?) and from fine art to speed dating.
Gladwelll introduces fancy terms like "rapid cognition" and "thin slicing" that and explains them in a clear and entertaining way.
There is also a fascinating discussion of facial expressions, or rather the various component parts of facial expressions made up by the various individual movements of facial muscles.
Microexpressions, as they are called, can involuntarily reveal a glimpse of a person's true emotional state to the trained observer.
And interestingly, just as emotional states cause these involuntary facial movements, voluntarily producing certain facial movement can influence one's emotional state. It's a two way street.

It's a fast 320-page read and the insights into how our minds work (or don't work, in some cases) makes it well worth your time.
Rating: Recommended
Note: Read additional 3AM Book Reviews here.
tagged: books, literature, Malcolm Gladwell, Blink, thin slicing, rapid cognition, microexpression
Gladwell is a stud, although I liked The Tipping Point more than Blink. He's got a new one coming out this summer, I believe. It's about the ideal workplace.
ReplyDeleteShane stole my thunder. I've read both of these, as well. I agree.