Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Random Photo VII: Paris, 2001

Here's another one of my favorite shots from Paris when we traveled there a few years ago. I really found nothing not to like about Paris.

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  1. I like the gray -- very film noir-esque.


  2. I'm going to Paris in March with my GF, and I've started practicing saying, "Day-so lay -- Zhe ne parl pa fran-say." It's written out phonetically and posted on my refrigerator. So, that takes care of the language barrier issue. And I figure you can't go wrong in Paris prefacing every statement you make with an apology.

  3. Chris,

    Be sure to wear your "I'm from Canada, the non-French-speaking part" t-shirt and you'll be fine.

  4. Nice shot! I really want to go to Paris, but the closest I've been is Istanbul.

    I think I need to mention I've seen Ratatoullie about twenty since Thursday. Oui Oui

  5. Chris, you might want to change the "zhe" to "juh". If you say something that sounds like it starts with the letter "z," you'll get some very confused and bothered Parisians staring you in the face.

    Everything else looks good, though. :)

    I miss Paris. I wish we would have gone there for our honeymoon, but we're talking about a France/Italy tour in a couple of years that we want to take. I can't wait!


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