The main criteria was how cool I thought the words sounded, but I gave bonus points for the potential for double entendre.
There you have it. As always, if you think I'm wrong on the ranking or if I missed something, feel free to say so in the comments.Top 10 Favorite Words
from the Current Financial Meltdown
10) Collateralized Debt Obligation
9) Mortgage-backed security
8) NINJA loan -- No Income? No Job or Assets? No problem.
7) Swap line -- I've heard of parties in Overland Park where these were popular.
6) Troubled Asset -- Do these jeans make my assets look troubled?
5) Naked Short Selling
4) Deflation -- "I swear baby, this has never happened to me before..."
3) Stimulus package -- We've covered this before.
2) TED Spread -- That TED is such a floozy
1) Capital Injection
tagged: economy, Top Ten, Ted Spread, glossary, Capital injection, Stimulus, Asset
#3 and #4 = Priceless