Sean nudges me and says "Check out Nicky Hilton's hair extensions." Sure enough, sitting at the table four feet away is Miss Hilton with a girlfriend and a couple of emo boys.
I excuse myself from the table and walk a few yards away to make a quick phone call to check in on the wife and kid. Priorities of a business traveler.
Sean has placed my order for a Glenlivit, neat, and it's at the table when I return. What's more, Linsdsay Lohan has joined the Hilton party. Evidently, according to Sean, she has bad hair extensions, too. Plus, Sean says, she's unhealthily thin and must be "purging" after her meals. This theory is reinforced by her extended trip to the lady's room after she eats.
The brush with celebrity makes for interesting conversation at our table. Sean remarks how ugly the celebutantes' friends are. I suggest that celebs like to hang out with ugly people because it makes the celebs look better by comparison.
It's all a little dull for me. I don't really keep track with the gossip mags and the Hollywood so-called elite. Frankly, I don't get the whole celebrity worship thing. I mean, what has Lohan or Hilton ever contributed to the world that they should be the object of paparazzi attention.
But, the second glass of Glenlivit helps mellow my harsh. That, and the appearance presently of Kevin Connolly who plays Eric on the hit HBO series Entourage, which coincidentally kicks off its third season on Sunday.
Now I'm interested. I'm a big fan of Entourage. I think it's the best show on TV since The Sopranos.
Sure, this story sounds a bit far fetched. But here's the photographic proof (courtesy of the horrible resolution of my camera phone).

tagged: celebrity, sighting, New York, Da Silvano, Nicky Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Kevin Connolly, Entourage, Sopranos
Ooooh! I can stop reading People Magazine! Emaw's on the case!
ReplyDelete; )
I once shared a flight from Denver to LA with Slim Pickens.
ReplyDeleteNot really the same at all, is it?
How much did the tabloids pay you for these photos? And I'm not down with Entourage, but I love the insanely vulgar Deadwood.