Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday Malaise: Tell me something I don't know

I've seen this sort of thing on other blogs, and since I'm a radical conformist I realized I had no choice but to post a few random thoughts myself.
  • I feel a little uncomfortable shaking all the hands at church during that time when you're supposed to get up and shake everybody's hand. I just feel like I'm picking up all kinds of germs. I actually sit with my "shaking" hand away from my body for the rest of the service.

  • I've always thought I would die in a fit of spontaneous combustion, probably after the Democrats nominate Hilary Clinton for president.

  • I have a horrible compulsion to peel and chew my fingernails. It's a shameful, disgusting habit I know, and it's a demon I constantly battle.

  • I think gravity is an interesting theory.

  • I wear only two styles of sock, white (on the weekends) and black (during the work week). Seriously, I buy multiple copies of the same black sock so I don't have to worry about having "pairs" of socks.

  • Sometimes I think the hokey pokey is what it's all about.

  • I absolutely almost loose it in crowded elevators, especially if people only take the elevator up one or two flights. I mean COME ON!

  • I hold a very dim view of people who spend too much time working on their MySpace pages (not you of course, just other people).

  • I would never actually do this, but sometimes, when I'm driving at night down a two-lane highway and I see the headlights of an approaching car in the other lane, I wonder what it would be like to veer into the other lane at the last second and get into a head-on collision. Please don't hate me.

  • I wonder if anybody really "fits in," I mean really.
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  1. I enjoyed your random musings.

    If you have a habit of chewing your nails, maybe you're right to be worried about shaking hands!

    Here's a suggestion -- bring a bottle of Purell along (mild hand disinfectant) and rub it on after shaking hands. Or maybe before AND after . . . . to deal with the nail chewing thing . . . .

    Not that I think you're any less clean than the rest of us. We're pretty much all germy people, like every other living thing, but someone we muddle through.

  2. I feel a little uncomfortable shaking all the hands at church during that time when you're supposed to get up and shake everyone's hand. I just feel like I'm picking up all kinds of germs. I actually sit with my "shaking" hand away from my body for the rest of the service.

    I hate the whole hand shakey thing too. Not because of the germs... I'm just deeply misanthropic :)

  3. I would never actually do this, but sometimes, when I'm driving at night down a two-lane highway and I see the headlinghts of an approaching car in the other lane, I wonder what it would be like to veer into the other lane at the last second and get into a head-on collision. Please don't hate me.

    Thought I was the only one with that weird thought. And no, I would never do it either.


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