Your Ideal Hairstyle: |
tagged: Friday, test, hair, style, meme, blog
Your Ideal Hairstyle: |
I can understand why someone with diminished mental capacity might feel this way about the story. On the surface, it appears that a bunch of prudes want to ruin the party for the rest of us by telling us what we can and can't repressed, meddling, control-freak, Johnson County, Morality Gestapos really need to have someone pull the broomsticks out of your tight asses.
Can you imagine living in a country with such a scarcity of gay people? I mean, forget about the how the quality of your porn would suffer without cinematic glory of Lesbian Spank Inferno. Just consider how badly everyone must dress.In Iran we don’t have homosexuals like in your country. We don’t have that in our country. In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I don’t know who told you that we have it.
You Are 8% California |
You are a bogus Californian. Go back to the East Coast. |
Poke my penguin (I wish I had a nickel for every time I've heard that.)tagged: links, Barrak Obama, anime, monface, sarcasm, penguin, googlebot
Sarcasm Society (yeah. right.)
Googlebot Incognito (I didn't try this yet. If you try it and it works, let me know)
monoface (weird but sorta cool)
Last will in testament (Canadian comedy + Japanimation = mildly amusing)
Barrack's twitter (Hot funk, cool punk, even if it's old junk, it's still Barrack and roll to me)
Gorillaz shooting range (Love forever love is free)
Funeral Services:And, just because it makes me feel a little bit better, here's a poem from one of my favorites, Billy Collins.
Tuesday, September 18th, 11:00am
Palestine Missionary Baptist Church of Jesus Christ
3619 E. 35th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64127
Please use the 35th Street entrance
I was a little taken aback by the appropriateness and/or irony of some of the random selections (and I promise, they were all as random as my iPod would allow). Of course, some of them make no sense whatsoever. But that's to be expected, right.So, here's how it works:
1. Open your music library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, whatev)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...!
Opening credits:tagged: meme, music, soundtrack, Eric Clapton, Dean Martin, Jesus Jones, St. Germain, Diana Krall, Jimmy Buffett, blues, Rush
Sentimental Mood - St. Germaine (seems pretty appropriate)
Waking up:
Santa Monica - Savage Garden (how the hell did that get on there)
First day of school:
Penny Lane - The Beatles (again, very apropos)
Falling in love:
One Step Closer - U2 (okay, this is getting eerie)
First Song:
Evidence - Thelonious Monk
Fight Song:
I Fought The Law - The Clash (how cool is that!)
Breaking Up:
Wheel In The Sky - Journey (Yeah, I like Journey. You got a problem with that?)
Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen (OMG! This is just freaky! What are the odds that I would get the SAME THING as Sponge!)
Mending Fences - Restless Heart (from my Supermodel Wife's music collection, but still strangely appropriate)
Mental Breakdown:
Anthem - Rush
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Diana Krall (Okay, that's pretty damn random)
Fins - Jimmy Buffett
Getting back together:
You Don't Know What Love Is - Fenton Robinson (oh, the irony)
If I Hadn't Been High - Detroit Junior (Now THAT is funny)
Birth of child:
Scuttle Buttin' - Stevie Ray Vaughan
Death Scene:
Right Here Right Now - Jesus Jones (Guilty pleasure? Maybe. Great song? Absolutely.)
Funeral Song:
Driftin' - Eric Clapton
End Credits:
Little Old Wine Drinker Me - Dean Martin (great closing credits song)
Your Power Level is: 71% |
You're a very powerful person, and you know that all of your power comes from within. Keep on doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goals. |
and the monkey flipped the switchOne day I came home from work late and hopped into bed. Later the Roommate came home from her gig and hopped into bed. The Stressed Out Italian Stripper came home and I heard her stop at the bedroom door. I could feel her staring at the scene before her. In my bed laid myself and tucked in on the other side of me was the Roommate. I heard a deep sigh and then the Stressed Out Italian Stripper crawled in on the other side of me. I just laid there takin it all in, wow, I’m in bed with two hot women. Then the four cats and the stupid dog hopped into bed and that kind’a ruined that Penthouse moment.
"I hated to see them come on us and use that kind of poison," said Haverfield. "It kills everything in the holes. We would have liked to have someone come and seen us and talked about barriers and poison use."The evil cabal of county commissioners and state undersecretaries took advantage of a 1904 state law that allows counties to poison prairie dogs and then bill the landowner for the atrocity.
You've Experienced 80% of Life |
You have all of the life experience that most adults will ever get. And unless you're already in your 40s, you're probably wise beyond your years. |
US Republicans are none too pleased with Brit artist Jonathan Yeo, who's just completed a fetching portrait of George Bush constructed from grumble mag clippings...That's right, look closely at the collage images and you can see (if you want) women and men in various stages of undress performing various acts upon each other.
According to the Sun, Republicans have reacted with predictable indignation. A spokesman for Republicans Abroad International said: "This will cause outrage in America. Some people will think it’s funny - but personally I think it is a cheap stunt."
A spokesman for the Texas tentacle of the Republican Party chipped in with: "This picture is very distasteful. Why would anyone want to make a picture of our President from pornographic material?"
"I did it for fun, not to offend, but I'm pleased with it. I did it to amuse."Still, it's a pretty good portrait. It raises a few questions: What is the intrinsic value of the medium. Does the medium increase/decrease the aesthetic value of a work? Is that what I think it is on his earlobe?