Sunday, my Supermodel Wife threatened to kick me to the curb.
This is a concern on several levels, not the least important of which is that at my age/weight/hairline, it might be next to impossible to find another
Supermodel Wife. Also, I've grown quite fond of my wife over the last 15 years.
The issue is an old computer and monitor I've got boxed up in the basement. The computer is in perfect working condition, even packed in its original packaging. Of course, I bought it back in 1997 so the phrase "perfect working condition" doesn't necessarily translate to spectacular performance - even though I added a processor and graphics card upgrades.
That said, I just can't bring myself to send it to the landfill (what with me being a militant environmentalist wacko and all). I've been trying to find a place to take it and donate it to a charity. Maybe a church or Big
Brothers or a similar organization that doesn't need a ton of processing powers. And actually, the 15-inch color monitor is still in great shape and would work with any computer really.
So, I'm asking my readers (all three of you) for some help. Please spread the word in the KC
bloggosphere. Help me get the word out that this computer is available. It comes with lots of free software (
Photoshop, Freehand, Word, Excel, System Software upgrades, etc.)
I'm willing to deliver, and I prefer a tax-exempt 501(3)(c) organization but at this point, I'm not being choosy.
The computer is a Mac-compatible
PowerComputing Powerbase model.
Here are some specs. The only
differences are that, as I mentioned, it has an upgraded G3 process or and
VooDoo3 graphics card.
c'mon KC
bloggers, I'm counting on your help. My
marriage to a
Supermodel is at stake. I know you won't let me down.
(If you have a suggestion for who I can give this to, please leave a comment or drop me an email. I'm serious about this!)
tagged: free, computer, help, Macintosh, PowerComputing, PowerBase, environmentalist